Our Philosophy
We care about the water you drink is not only our slogan but what we instill in our employees. All bottled water is filled in a clean room, with recirculated bacteria-free air. All our bottling equipment is made of high-quality food grade stainless steel. Every bottle is date coded, and each batch is tested daily for 100% quality control by an independent laboratory. We offer a lab report on every bottle that gets filled on a particular day.
Our Passion
We employ a team of quality control personnel to adhere to many governments and industry regulations. Furthermore, third party inspectors check our warehouse and another third party water at a third party laboratory to inspect all production within Puretap.
Our Vision
At Puretap we offer convenient delivery to your home, office or business. Typically, you are placed on a specific automatic rotation (eg., every two weeks). The frequency of your delivery depends on your consumption and your needs. Our delivery area includes the Greater Toronto Area and beyond. Located in Mississauga and Niagara region, you can also pick up your water at one of our warehouses or one of our retailers.
Distilled, Demineralized, Deionized & Spring Water
What is Distilled Water ?
Distilled water is a type of purified water that has gone through a process of distillation. Distillation involves boiling water to create steam, and then condensing the steam back into water in a separate container. This process removes impurities and minerals that may be present in the original water, resulting in water that is free of contaminants.
Distilled water is commonly used in laboratory settings, as well as in some medical and dental procedures. It is also used in some industrial processes, such as for cleaning and rinsing sensitive electronic equipment.
While distilled water is free of impurities, it also lacks the minerals that may be present in other types of water. Some people choose to drink distilled water for this reason, as they believe it may offer health benefits or be better for certain medical conditions.
What is Demineralized Water?
Demineralized water is another type of purified water that has had its mineral content removed. Demineralization is typically achieved through the use of ion exchange or reverse osmosis processes, which remove minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium from the water.
Demineralized water is often used in industrial settings, such as for manufacturing and chemical processing. It is also used in some medical and laboratory applications where the presence of minerals could interfere with test results or equipment performance.
What is Deionized Water ?
Deionized water, also known as DI water, is a type of purified water that has had its ions removed. Ions are electrically charged particles that are found in minerals and other substances that are dissolved in water. Deionization is typically achieved through the use of ion exchange resins or other chemical processes that remove ions from the water.
Deionized water is often used in laboratory and industrial settings, where the presence of ions could interfere with experiments or industrial processes. It is also used in some medical procedures, such as dialysis, where the removal of ions is important for patient safety.
What is Spring Water?
Spring water is commonly consumed as a drinking water. Spring water is a type of natural water that comes from a an underground source, typically from a spring or aquifer. Spring water can be a good source of essential minerals like calcium and magnesium.
1 bottle (22.42 lbs/ 10.19 kilo)
1 case = 2x10L (45.66 lbs/ 20.75 kilos)
1 skid = 36 cases (1,643.76 lbs/ 747.16 kilos)
1 skid = 48 cases (2,191.68 lbs/ 996.22 kilos)
1 bottle (9 lbs/ 4.09 kilos)
1 case = 4x4L (36.82 lbs/ 16.74 kilos)
1 skid = 36 cases (1,325.52 lbs/ 602.51 kilos)
1 skid = 48 cases (1,767.36 lbs/ 803.35 kilos)

1 bottle (3.47 lbs/ 1.58 kilos)
1 case = 12×1.5l (42.46 lbs/ 19.3 kilos)
1 skid = 30 cases (1,528 lbs/ 694.8 kilos)

1 bottle (8.6 lb/ 3.9 kilos)
Dimensions (in.): 10.5 X 10.5 X 15
1 skid : 30 bottles (318 lbs/ 144 kilos *including weight of pallet)
Pallet size: (aprox 48 lbs./22 kilos: 48″ x 40″ x 6″)
- BPA Free PET Bottles
- The 3 gallon plastic water bottle offers commercial grade durability and usability
- The reusable water bottle is environmentally friendly
- Store your own purified water for your store, restaurant, office or home
- Ideal for emergency preparation and water storage

1 bottle (42 lbs/ 19 kilos)
Dimensions (in.): 10.5 X 10.5 X 20
1 skid : 30 bottles (1,308 lbs/ 593.3 kilos *including weight of pallet)
Pallet size: (aprox 48 lbs/ 22 kilos.: 48″ x 40″ x 6″)
- Made of 100% safe polycarbonate food-grade plastic or 100% PET plastic
- The 5 gallon plastic water bottle offers commercial grade durability and usability
- The reusable water bottle is environmentally friendly
- Store your own purified water for your store, restaurant, office or home
- Ideal for emergency preparation and water storage

1 bottle (1.16 lbs/ .053 kilo)
1 case = 24x500ml (28.76lbs/ 13 kilos)
1 skid = 60 cases (1,725 lbs/ 784.36 kilos)
1 skid = 72 cases (2,070.72lbs/941.04 kilos)

(210 L /55 gal.)
Heavy-duty plastic drums constructed of weather resistant polyethylene that withstands solids or liquids up to 180°F. These industrial drums are designed for reconditioning and reuse without inner liners or polyethylene bags. Storage drums stack up to 4 high. FDA and USDA approved.

1000 L / 264 gal.
• UN, Transport Canada certified on
new or refurbished one way tote tanks
• Perfectly suited for high bay warehousing
• Can be stacked up to 4 high
• Reinforced warp resistant tubular steel
grid jacket
• High molecular weight, high density polyethylene
• (HDPE) extrusion blow molded container shaped to
ensure complete discharge of contents.
• Solid cap and 6” opening on top.
• Protectively placed 2” ball valve or 2” butterfly valve
(DN50) with camlock or threaded fittings
• 1000 litre – Length: 120 cm / 48” Width: 100 cm / 40” Height: 116 cm / 46”

(Miscellaneous Sizes)
Any sized tanker can be filled at our Mississauga location or have Puretap deliver to your door.